Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Great Escape!

So it's happened!

The job's packed in and the adventure begins. Myself and a friend are off to Chamonix for the season! Although i often think if ourselves as Tango and Cash i'm afraid that this blog and my unfortunate lack of coppy know how may tend to put us more in the light of Shaggy and Scooby doo, the accident prone duo, destined for awkward circumstance. So bare with me, i'm sure it will get better.

 The aim of this blog is to hopefully give you some helpful a-z tips on how to do your ski season cheap and cheerfully... learning from my many many mistakes... and also to give you some light entertainment in the process.

1 comment:

  1. Nice intro .... waiting to hear more .... especially about the new teddy bear pyjamas!
